Free Gut Health ebook inside!

Gut Health ebook!

A healthy gut microbiome not only helps us digest our food, improve our metabolism, produce essential nutrients, and boost our immune system, it also influences our brain health, cognitive performance and behavior! An unhealthy gut microbiome has also been correlated with an increased risk of obesity.

Taking a probiotic capsule while continuing to eat a highly processed Standard American Diet diet won't fix your gut. We need to eliminate the highly processed foods and add in Probiotic foods as well as Prebiotic foods to feed the good gut bacteria. Eating a varied whole food diet with lots of fiber-rich vegetables, cultured and fermented foods can shift things fairly quickly! I've created this handy guide to get you started.

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5737 S. Woods Rd Branch, MI 49402

Barbara Horsley

Barbara Horsley teaches abdominal massage, herbal medicine, and mind-body therapies for better digestion, constipation relief, abdominal scar tissue release, transforming emotional tension held in the belly, improving menstrual cycles, menopause, and uterine health.

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